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New Arrival

  • 139.00

    Washing machines help us to wash away dirt and germ on our clothes. However, who will be the one to help washing machines wash away theirs? Can you imagine washing machine will be one of the dirtiest appliance at home? : Give your washing machine same love by using Antibacterial Washing…

  • 99.00

    CAR PERFUME DIFFUSER – AIRPLANE GLIDER DESIGN It comes with 2 solar panels which generate enough power to rotate the blades of the helicopter without any batteries. It comes with a wooden fragrance diffuser which evenly spreads out the fragrance in your car. Our car perfume features unique regulation mechanism…

  • 99.00

    NO MORE NEED TO CARRY BIG FLASH LIGHT IN THE DARK Whether you’re out without your flashlight, go to the car or the attic to find something, the power failure at home or the car maintenance failure, etc, a “keychain emergency light” helps you get out of the dark and have light.…

  • 129.00

    COMPLETE NAIL PROTECTION SERUM Achieve Healthy Nail Growth! Paronychia can develop when bacteria enter broken skin near the cuticle and nail fold, causing an infection. The cuticle is the skin at the base of the nail. The nail fold is where the skin and nail come together. Complete Nail Protection…

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